How to Create Beautiful Lighting for Crisper YouTube Videos

How to Create Beautiful Lighting for Crisper YouTube Videos

There are a tonne of different aspects that need to be just right when making the ideal YouTube video. There are the topic matter, the writing, and the way you portray yourself.

Additionally, there are all of those little things that people much too frequently ignore. The lighting is just one illustration of this.

People focus so much on video resolution, quality, and other aspects that they fail to consider the actual image quality before shooting the video! It’s true that a bright video shot with a subpar camera will nearly always appear better than a dark video produced with a high-quality camera.

In the latter, it will be more difficult to understand what is going on due to the increased noise!

Thus, what is the process for achieving the ideal lighting?

By Natural Light

The best thing about lighting is that you may achieve the ideal look without spending any money. Natural lighting is the greatest type of lighting, therefore any subject will look great if you can locate a decent, huge window without any curtains or netting blocking the light.

To take full advantage of this, arrange the shot so that the subject (probably you) will have the window’s light falling on it from the side. This will give your face more light on one side than the other, which is more flattering than “flat light” and adds depth and contrast. If you can get it off, this “Rembrandt” lighting effect is really nice.

Lighting Equipment

Naturally, the primary drawback of depending solely on natural lighting is that it isn’t always accessible and can occasionally leave you with nothing.

Using lighting equipment is the answer to this issue, and YouTubers typically choose between these two solutions. The first is the dazzling ring known as the “halo ring.” This can only be a concern if it shows up in your eyes and gives the appearance of rings surrounding your pupils.

“Soft boxes” are an additional choice. These are big boxes that radiate light, but as it passes through, they soften the light’s intensity. You can use these to ensure that your audience can see your films and that every shot is clear and bright.

Fancy Effects

Of course, you can always construct more intricate and captivating lighting as your ambitions grow. One excellent example is the use of coloured lighting, which is rather simple to achieve with a coloured lightbulb. This will enable you to use cool green or purple lighting effects to illuminate devices and a variety of other objects. Invest in a few and you’ll be able to produce a tonne of incredible looks that will elevate your films! Play around and be imaginative!