When You Need a Real Human

by | Apr 18, 2024 | AI

Many dire predictions have been made about the application of AI in business.

Even Stephen Hawking issued a cautionary tale about the coming of the machines. Could AI, though, actually displace workers in the workplace?

The response is no—at least not for now. Many areas of the industry still call for actual human interaction. Here, we’ll examine situations in which a live person is required.


While AI technology can somewhat automate the hiring process, it cannot completely replace people. This is so that companies can establish a rapport with candidates.

You can’t merely hire someone based on their qualifications and experience. Additionally, their personality must mesh with the position. At the moment, personality qualities cannot be measured by AI systems. Therefore, a portion of the hiring process should still be done by hand.

Consumer Assistance

In a similar vein, the customer service division likewise requires actual people. Chatbots are excellent for offering a round-the-clock service. They are unable to address every query, though. Customers still prefer speaking with live people when they have a problem or query. Automated systems are only capable of so much assistance.

Therefore, you might want to reconsider depending only on AI to improve your customer service. Customers will probably always need to be served by people.

Original Work

Currently, AI is not very good at creative work, which is another area of weakness. Since they lack emotional intelligence, careers in psychology are secure. The ability to read emotions and body language still requires human beings.

Humans are capable of impulsive and inventive reactions. Although AI may be able to anticipate your words, it will never be able to take control of a real conversation and respond to human emotions in a thoughtful and sensitive manner.


Innovation is yet another area that AI cannot completely take over. Indeed, they are really “intelligent.” They don’t, however, come up with ideas as quickly as we do. They can’t think for themselves right now. Even artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which is being developed to make independent decisions, cannot think like humans.

Therefore, innovation must originate from people rather than from machines if it is to continue. AI might someday be able to innovate, but for the time being, people still have the upper hand.

There is a chance that AI will replace certain human occupations. According to some analysts, it may replace more than half of the occupations we have now. It’s vital to remember that AI can also open up new opportunities and create jobs.

Therefore, despite concerns that artificial intelligence (AI) might surpass human intelligence and replace humans, the reality is that AI is more likely to enhance human interaction. In the commercial world, AI technology will coexist with people. This will improve the business environment by increasing productivity without sacrificing the crucial personal touch.

The aforementioned are just a few of the reasons why it is unlikely that AI will completely replace humans.

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