8 Important Elements for Small Business Web Sites

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Start Your Own Business

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The main visitors to your business pages include web robots that crawl the Internet and catalogue your content. Having the proper HTML source code, plus the right combination of text and graphical presentation, is just one secret to success. Proper coding can mean higher robot ratings, and “looks” are equally important. Once a new potential customer finds your website, you have 5 seconds to get them to stay.

As a small business website owner, you may have asked yourself “Why aren’t we getting any access?” Did you know that web pages can load and look correct with improper or obsolete HTML code? A browser might ignore your mistakes and display what it thinks you meant, and that might look great. Web bots may not be so forgiving.

The following is a list of 8 basic elements of good search engine ranking that need to be considered in the design and promotion of your website. For details on worldwide authority code issues, visit the World Wide Web Consortium to view DOCTYPE and other quality standards.

1. Document Type Declaration

2. Page Title

3. Ensuring Proper HTML Code

5. Meta Keywords

6. The initial paragraph on the homepage

7. Another page exclusively for links

8. Backlinks. Links to other pages on your site

Many websites lack a component, which is either missing or poorly executed on about 85% of them. Some search engines might index these sites—around 15% of them. Out of the 6 billion online web pages, search engines index 15% of them. 

The situation could worsen if errors block your site, preventing search engine spiders from revisiting to check for any fixes. This could be why your website needs to get hits. 

Websites can still look good and function without fancy page-generation tools. Skilled coders often use NotePad to write HTML code. Using software like Flash or Frames might deter users who lack access to browser versions or technologies. If users lose interest and leave your site before exploring it due to issues, you could lose money.

 Most designers rely on prepackaged programs to create websites. You need to realize that your webpage might not be optimized for search engines if essential components are missing from the software used. Designers may overlook these features as long as the page looks good. It’s important to note that different search engines use varying techniques; therefore features like “a page of links” may not hold much importance, for modern search robots.

Creating backlinks involves establishing connections, from websites to your site and engaging in self-promotion. One key aspect is providing information that business visitors are searching for. Visitors are browsing for more than just entertainment on your page. When it comes to incorporating music or videos it’s advisable to maintain designs unless they’re crucial, to your core business as most individuals have specific needs or issues and seek resolutions. Anything that potentially violates my “5 Second Rule” might detract from creating an impact.